

Olisalud Pure Castile soap with essential oil

Olisalud Castile 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil Handmade Soap with Essential Oil

 Clean-up, Nutrition, and Revitalization.

Each Olisalud Castile soap is full of vitality and healing power. The oil base sources from extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) only which is produced and bottled in Andalucía of Spain where is the most productive place of excellent quality olive oil in the world. The EVOO we use contains up to 79% oleic acid and retains Vitamin ADEK, Squalene and antioxidants in natural which provide great protection, restorative ability to skin. The lather is so soft and silky like with the natural scent from essential oil to bring you ultimate enjoyment. No any harmful chemicals are added. So what your skin absorbed is all natural nutrition from EVOO and natural essential oil from our luxury handmade soap.


The luxury handmade soap is produced step by step under the supervision of our professional R&D. The soap is blended under 42°c in accordance with cold soap making process.  Pure Castile soap is much more difficult to make than plant oils mixed soap and thus needs to be handled with more patient and care.  It takes about 12 to 13 weeks for curd whereas plant oils mixed soap takes 4 weeks only.


No Palm Oil

Due to palm oil plantations, deforestation is happening in South East-Asia , which are destroying the habitat of the amazing Sumatran and Bornean orangutans as well as many other incredible birds, animals, plants and critters.  To be responsible for earth and creatures live on earth, we decide NOT to use Palm oil in all OLISALUD products


No solvent extract essential oil:

Instead of Solvent extracted essential oil, we use essential oils only extracted by distilled to prevent any solvent residual.


Distributors around the world are wellcomed.  Please contact Annie.fang@olisalud.net

100% Castile橄欖精油手工皂


歐禮莎侓的每一塊手工皂,都具有獨特的生命力及療癒力!全部使用嚴選自世界橄欖油的油倉 西班牙安達魯西亞農民自產的頂級初榨橄欖油作為基底油,含有高達79%油酸的絕佳品質,具有橄欖油所特有的天然維他命ADEK、角鯊烯與化物,擁有極佳的肌膚保護與修護成分,皂沫細緻綿密,優異的親膚性使肌膚能充分擷取營養成分,再搭配世界各地合格有機級的純植物精油,每一塊橄欖手工皂都有精油帶來的不同效果,頂級成分製作出的自然也是頂級品質的天然手工皂。




歐禮莎侓100% Castile 橄欖手工皂讓我們的肌膚重新呼吸了起來,不再擔心化學物質會殘留損害我們的身體,不但徹底洗淨在身上層層累積的化學成分,還給肌膚真正潔淨的感受,讓堵塞的毛孔開始呼吸,更為肌膚帶來天然純正的甘油滋潤,不必依靠太多的化學保養品,不論您是白皙或是黝黑,都能讓肌膚呈現自然光亮的健康膚色。






